Welcome to Beach Glass Mood! This blog is old, but the photos and sentiments are timeless, especially for beachcombers! I hope you'll enjoy my collection of beach glass, rocks, wood, and sand all from the shorelines of Lake Michigan in South Haven, Michigan. To scroll quickly, just click on a month along the right side of your screen (on mobile devices, first click on, "View Web Version"). All entries before April 2016 are of an artistic nature, and those after that date are informational.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Cards, Prayers, and Satellites
I made it. For the first time since I came home from having surgery, I got through the night without a pain pill. It's been 9 days of taking one Percocet around noon and another before bed, and I wasn't sure if I could do it, but something happened that made me want to try going without. It was a card, and while I've treasured all of my cards and everything else sent to me for well wishes, this one truly spoke to me. It came from someone who doesn't really know me, and I don't know much about her either, so I was surprised to see a whole page of hand-written cursive on what would normally be the blank side of the card. The sender said she had heard that I was still in a lot of pain. She mentioned how active I usually am with biking and walking to town, and how difficult this must be.
As I read, my heart was filled with love for this person I hardly know. It had been a particularly painful day, and I felt as though she was told by God to tell me that she's praying for the pain to go away. You see, my surgery had involved the treatment of six Tarlov cysts on my spine. As they were on the ends of nerves, and filled with nerve fibers, they could not be removed, but were emptied, patched with skin, and wrapped. The holes made through my spine to get to the cysts were then patched with plastic. So, yes, I hurt, and hearing that someone was praying for that to stop was better than a pain pill. When I put the card down, tears of relief began to fall. I closed my eyes and asked for the dear writer of this card to be blessed, and suddenly, in my mind I saw a very clear vision of a satellite in space! Then I saw the tiny earth below it with a beam shooting up to the center of the satellite, bending, and dropping back down to Earth. I felt as though God was showing me how the prayers come up to Him and the healing can then come down to me, but it's not automatic. It's like He was saying, "Turn on your receiver, Lynda". So I carefully got down on my knees, and with my hands in the air, told God that I was ready to receive my healing. I then went to bed and slept through the night.
It's been a long time since my last post, but if you're a follower of my blog, well.... then you know that I sometimes get personal. So here it is, better late than never. And would I appreciate your prayers? You bet! Let me know if you need prayers as well, and I'll send them right up.
The picture choice today is, "Beach Arrow", because I'm looking so forward to getting to the beach again!