Friday, October 24, 2014

The Rest of the Story

Isaiah 53:5 says, "...and with His (Jesus') stripes, we are healed".   The stripes were the marks whipped deeply into Jesus' flesh before He was hung on the cross.  He allowed this knowing full well how much it was going to hurt.  His love for us was, and is, stronger than fear and pain.  So when I get sick, I claim my belief in what Jesus did.  For most of my life, I've experienced the proof of this scripture, but it wasn't until recently that I've fully understood what it means.  It's all become quite clear to me that Jesus heals us through many avenues.  Yes, there is supernatural healing, but He's also given wisdom to people to become doctors, to create medicines, to discover how important exercise, drinking water, and good nutrition all are to the healing process.  He's shown us how stress affects our health, and how faith in God's promises, like Isaiah 53:5, shows us which avenue to choose for our healing.  

Last week's post was a sad one.  I had been looking for a miracle for my loved one; her situation seemed hopeless.  I couldn't see with my earthly eyes what God could see from Heaven.  He showed doctors what medicines would work for my loved one, and the change in her is like that of day and night.  Today, I'm here to say that she has come home!  Praise God.

Sea glass pendants are an example of making something beautiful out of something broken.  When we are broken, we need to have faith that God wants to heal us.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Too Many X's

The only thing on the wall was a large, white desk-type calendar with x's as large as my fist crossing off each past day.  The first eight were heavy and strong, followed by two squiggly looking x's.  The next two were sort of angry looking.  Today's date is the 17th; that puts the balance of x's at five, and they were more resigned in their appearance.  

Thinking of the calendar in my loved one's room at the mental health facility makes my lip quiver.  I know she hasn't been there, against her will, for 17 days; the first eight x's weren't hers.  It makes me wonder how long the prior occupant had been crossing off days on the month before.  Did that person also have their bags packed and ready to go home every morning?  Did they, too, think their presence in such a place was all a mistake?  Did they hear voices through wires in their heads telling them what to do?  After all, that's "normal", right?  

To me, the calendar was a sad indication of time spent without freedom to roam, and with too much time to listen to those voices.  To my loved one, though, it provided a way to be certain of one thing: the day.  During my visit, I was told at least five times, "Today is Friday".  If my loved one was able to have even the minutest  amount of security, peace, or joy from that, then I'm grateful. 
This was a pendant I had made long ago with a simple charm on beach glass pieces.  I just thought it might go well with my mood today.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Trust.  How can such a small word be such a large test?  Usually a test is something you have to study for; I'm thankful for a place to do that.  If I didn't have my Bible to teach me the components of trust, I don't know what I would do.  In God's Word, I learn to trust Him, not the circumstances.  I learn that God's ways are not always our ways, and that instead of exhausting ourselves trying to fix what appears to be unfixable, give the situation to God.  Then rest.  Rest in faith.  Trust.
The sea glass picture above is not a new one.  I'm using this again because it fits so well.