Thursday, February 20, 2014

Heaven is for Real

Now and then, I am persuaded to do something that I don't want to do---go to the local video store.  Instead of enjoying the perusal of titles for a cozy night of movies at home, I feel like I need a pair of blinders as I go down the isles to keep me from seeing the blood and gore that I'd rather ignore.  Ugh!  If there was a contest for the sickest, scariest, dvd covers, it would end up in a two-hundred-way tie.  Whether it's pictures of brightly colored body fluids, Satanic eyes, or sexually suggestive themes, to me, they all rank off the scale in shock value.  Apparently, that's what some people want, but I don't.  I can't "unsee" what I've seen, and those visions in my head are compounded by the realization that, somewhere, there are small children viewing those movies.  It's true.  Time after time, my students at school would relate parts of such horrors to their classmates and me.

My commentary on brain-trash could go on forever, so I'll just go where I was headed in the first place.  One of my favorite books is Lynn Vincent and Todd Burpo's Heaven is for Real.  Imagine how thrilled I was to see a movie preview for that story!  Finally, a film of substance that will change lives for the better, and it's coming to theaters!  If you haven't read the book, I hope you will.  Four-year-old Colton's story about going to Heaven during an emergency surgery is precious.  In a world full of negative images, the time has come for this story to be on the big screen.  I pray the success of this movie will make it available everywhere. 
"Searching for the Light" seemed like a good pairing for today's subject.  I hope you like it.

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