Friday, July 19, 2013

Easy? What's That?

Why can't anything be easy?  The offer we made on our dream house had been accepted.  Our current home is now listed with a "For Sale" sign in the front yard.  And we've already seen several people slow down as they pass by in their cars.  So far so good, but today, as excited as I was about going inside our new house again, something inside of me was uneasy.  For one thing, I'm using the word, "new" as in, "new to us".  The actual structure is over 100 years old, so if you're thinking there may be a few things wrong with it, you're right.  The question is, who should pay to have those things fixed?  Will we lose the house if we don't accept it as it is?  On the other hand, should we just admit that we are not up to the challenge, and let it go?  How does anyone know the true value of a house with that much history?  Well, I wanted us to make some history of our own in that house, and now, I'm not sure it's going to happen.  Hopefully, it will, and this whole experience will be one more tally of proof that nothing worthwhile is easy. 

This is a flipped and merged picture of my photo called, "South Haven Sea Glass".  It reminds me of the stained glass windows in our dream house.


  1. Be still, and listen to the house. Close your eyes, so that you aren't distracted by colors and clutter. Old homes are like elderly relatives. They will return your love, but may need some extra care.

    1. That's a beautiful bit of advise. Thank you, dear friend.
