Monday, August 26, 2013


Picture a lab rat trying to find its way through a maze; that's what our house looks like today.  If you would come for a visit, you would, literally, have to go around stacked piles of boxes, hit a dead-end, and turn around on a different path.  It's that tight!  Everything is packed and ready to go to our new home.  Tomorrow is our closing day, and by approximately 11:00 a.m., we will finally have the keys in our hands.  If you've ever moved before, you're probably recalling how at this point, the real work begins.  After all, those boxes don't get to the other house on their own.  Then, how long does it take to unpack?  And where, oh where will everything go?  Too many decisions!  But sitting here, trying to wrap this post up, it's occurring to me how very blessed we are that my husband and I are moving because we want to.  How many people out there, due to depressing circumstances, are forced to move out of their home?  I'm going to pray for them, take a deep breath, and lift those boxes with a smile on my face!

Making it to closing day is a real "breakthrough", and that is the title of this photo of beach glass.

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