Thursday, August 8, 2013

Home-selling Minutiae

After a late-night blueberry pie bake-a-thon for our church fundraiser, I needed a nap.  Imagine how startled I was to wake up with a stranger in my back yard!  He was doing his best to step through a gigantic pumpkin plant without crushing it, and I appreciated his concern, but why was he here?  In the fog of nap-awakening, I finally noticed that my uninvited guest was wearing one of those orange and yellow glow-vests.  Ah-hah!  He must be the surveyor, sent by the buyers of our home.  But wasn't he not supposed to be here until next Monday?  This must be a good thing, meaning that this morning's pest inspection went well!  Why else would the surveyor come five days early?  Let's we have any more appointments for the house?  Oh, yeah, the heating and cooling expert is coming tomorrow.

If you are currently buying or selling a home, take heart.  Just remember the old saying, "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger."  

This is one of my earliest compositions, "Another Sea Glass Heart".  Stay strong.

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