Wednesday, August 21, 2013


We wondered how we would make it without TV for fifteen days.  Our reception came from a gigantic antenna that the buyers of our house didn't want, and now it's gone.  Not gone for good, it's in storage until we close on the new house.  That's okay; we're not addicted to TV, but there are a few shows we miss.  Plus, I had already gone through a bit of a withdrawal from my HGTV programs when we changed from satellite to antenna.  So now, it just doesn't matter that much.   In fact, it's even been a little more romantic without the television, not because of what you are thinking, but because my husband and I have to sit close together to watch something on his Nook tablet.  (If you have never seen "Corner Gas", you have got to check it out!)  Admittedly, the togetherness part of watching the tube hasn't really suffered.  I guess I just miss being able to hit the remote for that background noise that keeps me company when I'm engaged in mindless household chores.  Hmmm, I do seem to get a lot more done lately, though.

This wave filtered form of my sea glass photo called, "Favorite Pieces",  reminds me of what happens to the pivotal ending of my favorite shows during a windstorm.


  1. How funny that the ad at the top of this blog is for satellite tv!

    1. Yes, it is! Thank you for your comment! I didn't look at the ads today, and I wouldn't have noticed the irony without you!
