End Zone
It's high school football night, and our new home overlooks the end zone of the field. It's funny how there are such opposite schools of thought about that. When my husband and I tell people how great it is to see the games for free, they either wholeheartedly agree, or not so subtly, say how they could never live amongst such commotion. That makes me tilt my head and wonder why it is that I do enjoy it. I think it may stem from the comfort of feeling involved. When the crowd cheers, we cheer. When the band plays, we can see it and hear it just as well as anyone in the stands. There's also the anticipation. It's in the air; you can feel it, and it takes you back to younger days. Remember how you didn't have to think about what to wear, because you knew it would be all about the school jersey? And the dinners..........in my family, it was chili, goulash, or sloppy joes. So tonight, we're having goulash. Even though my husband doesn't like it, he's being a really good sport about my choice and the reasons behind it. After all, there are only five home games, and we love our end zone home.
As this photo is called, "Pig Rock", I thought it fit in with the game that uses a pigskin ball!
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