Friday, September 27, 2013

The Unknown

Sometimes, you've gotta just roll with it.  We don't always know the reasons for things that happen; in fact, we rarely know.  Today, when the plumber left, the leaky faucet began leaking more than it had before the repairs.  My post wasn't started, and I was needed at church to clean up the rummage sale left-overs.  With tomorrow being a Saturday, I had no choice but to call the plumber back.  Why did this have to happen?  

Fast forward to now.  The leak was caused by a faulty new seal, and is a thing of the past.  I'm able to sit and write this post with a full 45 minutes until I have to leave.  The slight delay in my agenda takes me back to another time when I actually saw the reason for my departure being put on hold.  About seven years ago, I was in a hurry to get home from choir practice.  It had been a long day of teaching, then church, and it was getting dark outside.  As I was gathering up my things to leave the choir loft, a friend asked me to give her a ride home.  She had locked her keys in the car.  There was no way that I would have said no, so I took her home.  She thanked me, said her husband would take her back for her car, and I was off.  Not more than two minutes later, I saw the reason for God holding me back.  A car full of teenagers had crossed into the lane I would have been in, rolled over, and was upside down with broken glass everywhere.  I would never have seen them coming, as that spot is on a curve. The car was totaled, but the kids spent only a little time in the hospital. How much worse it would have been with more momentum coming their way!  Had they hit me, they might not have been pulled out safely.  I thanked God for the delay that night.  Perhaps, instead of being upset when we are forced to wait and be late, we should be grateful for protection from the unknown. 

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