Thursday, September 5, 2013

Play First

It's not typical for me to follow my own advise, but today I actually did.  In yesterday's post, my day had been made 100% better by doing something I had been longing to do before beginning my dreaded chores.  This was absolutely contrary to being rewarded for good behavior after the behavior!  What?  How could this be?  So today, I tried it again.  Since moving into our new home, I've had ants in my pants regarding my old records, the 45 rpm kind.  I've dreamed of having a few moments to open the big bin of oldies that has been in storage and, pretty much, untouchable.  Now, though, I have more space for things like that.  All I have to do is open the box, choose a title (and let's face it, back in my younger days, they were all good), put the record on the record player, the needle on the record, and turn it on.  Oh, I can't think of a better way to step back into time..............., and guess what?  Again, I was able to approach my long day of work with a smile on my face, because I didn't view the chores as the hindrance to a desire of my heart.

Easy choice!  This one is called, "Clear Heart".

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