Thursday, October 3, 2013

Debit Card Day

It's "debit card day".  Ugh.  The time to gather up my receipts and balance my checkbook is upon me.  This is usually preceded by all kinds of avoidance behaviors, and today is no different.  As I think about the task at hand, I wonder why I'm so opposed to doing it.  I enjoy number games; why don't I like accounting?  Does anyone out there look forward to this chore?  I'd be interested in hearing how you make your own "debit card day" more tolerable.  Sometimes, I take my necessary supplies (i.e., receipts, checkbook, pen, reading glasses, bills, calculator, snack) and sit in my car on the bluff of Lake Michigan.  Another option is to sit on the carpet in our bedroom with everything spread out like a picnic to take the drudgery away from the normal desk-and-chair-scene.   

It just occurred to me, if there are any techies reading this, I must sound pathetically out of touch with the times.  You would be right.  I don't even own a smart phone.  So while I'm trying to figure out how to make an hour-long job more enjoyable, you're probably thinking I could make it a whole lot more efficient.  I'm not sure this old brain could handle all that learnin', so I'll just end my quest here, and get busy.

How fitting it is to share the first beach glass photo that I ever sold, on "debit card day".

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