Monday, October 28, 2013

Just Google It

The cover to our 1920's doorbell chime is missing.  How do I know it's from the 1920's if I don't know what it looks like?  Easy.  I Googled it.  In the same way that I found out how to make butternut squash soup and cheesy garlic biscuits, I used the internet to find a picture of what used to hang over our front door.  The vertical chime chambers are still there, so when I asked Google, "What do old doorbells look like?", I eventually found a picture that matched.  The size, and the "ding" sound when the doorbell is pressed in, followed by the "dong" sound when the button pops out, all fit the description I had clicked.  Even as I write my post each day, I usually end up going to Google with a punctuation or grammar question.  It seems that nothing is out of our reach when it comes to free information, and while I am grateful, there is another side to this phrase we have coined.  Had I not been able to "Google it", I would have called my mom or a friend and had an actual conversation regarding squash soup.  I would have gone to our small town library to look up old doorbells.  While there, I'm quite sure I would have experienced the social interaction that is lacking in the quick fix of Google.  So there you have it.  Quick and easy vs. the time consuming human side.  At least we have a choice.

Recently, a friend gave me her recipe for a special holiday treat, so my photo choice is this one called, "Sea Candy".

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