Friday, October 25, 2013

Treasures in Time

Some treasures are worth more than others; those that were lost, and are now found, are the best.  Timing plays a role in the value of such treasures.  When I was given a file folder containing eight handwritten pages of narratives concerning two disks of 132 family pictures, I am ashamed to admit, I put them aside for later.  That was in December of 2004, and today, almost nine years later, these ignored and forgotten treasures have resurfaced.  After reading through the pages, I could hardly wait to see the corresponding photos of relatives two and three generations before me.  Among them were bomber pilots, shop owners, and even a movie star. 

Not all of the photos were of people I never knew.  I recognized most of my loved ones, even in pictures of their younger days before I was born.  Then, there were the pictures of my siblings and myself with our parents.  It was really something to visit the places, people, and things of my past that I thought I would never see again.  This priceless treasure couldn't have come at a better time.  You see, the person who put it all together for me, even though it must have taken weeks to complete, doesn't remember doing it.  Thankfully, she does still know who I am, but when she no longer does, I won't have to depend upon my memory to recall when she could.
The song, "Like the Windmills of Your Mind" made me think of this photo called, "Sea Glass Windmill".

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