Thursday, October 10, 2013

Let's Go Golfing

It's been 20 years since I've golfed, so when my husband asked me if I would like to go give it a try, I was thrilled!  We have never, ever golfed together; he's not a golfer.  Even when I found a bag of clubs for $25 and then another set for five, I didn't really think we'd actually make it out to a course.  So when my hubby suggested that we go after my morning meeting, that was all I could think about.  A 70-degree October day with sun and fall leaves made a perfect plan even better, and when we arrived at the golf course, I was ready!  Did I mention that my golfing skills aren't exactly up to par?  So we changed the rules, which we weren't sure of anyway, and made up our own scoring system.  After all, we're here to have fun, right?   We laughed at our embarrassing shots and celebrated our rare good ones.  Aside from the golfer closing in on us from two holes back, we were under no pressure.  The game took my mind off of the day-to-day stresses we've had this week.  As we approached the last hole, I realized how blessed we are to have the ability to walk all nine of them, and to have the strength to carry our bags.  The aches that came after we finished, were well worth it.  "No pain, no gain" they say, and I had gained a lovely afternoon with my husband.  I hope we'll go again someday.
This photo called, "Fossils in Water", was photo-shopped with a dry-brush filter.  I chose it for today because, you guessed it, we did end up with a few golf balls in the water.  That's okay; we found a couple, too.